Speaking - Special Events

At the age of four, Joshua Goodling was diagnosed with a terminal cancer that was supposed to take his life. The doctors gave him one week to live, and said his chances of survival were zero! That was 50+ years ago, so it's been a LONG week!

The cancer was eventually gone, but it left him with many scars and obstacles that would forever change his life. The road ahead wasn't going to be easy!

Joshua could have given up, and said "life is too difficult now!". Instead, he chose to use his life to make a difference in the world by impacting lives, spreading kindness, and living for others

His life story and messages about overcoming obstacles and putting others first have received enthusiastic responses no matter who the audience.

We live in a world that is increasingly frustrating, and along with his faith in God, one of the most important lessons Joshua has learned is that KINDNESS works!