A kindergarten teacher gave all of her students a piece of drawing paper and some crayons and told them to draw a picture of their favorite person. She was walking around the room, and came up to one young boy’s desk where he was concentrating hard on the drawing he was creating. She asked him,…
Author: Joshua Goodling
Remember…You CAN Trust Him…
In the early 1900’s a man was driving his Model T Ford outside of Detroit. He was driving along when suddenly the automobile sputtered and stopped. He opened the hood, and not knowing anything about automobiles sat there for over an hour trying to figure out what the problem was. Soon another Model T pulled…
It’s Not Always Easy…
The Apostle Paul wrote in Romans 7:15, “For I do not understand my own actions. For I do not do what I want, but I do the very thing I hate.” Even he had the same problem we all face – our flesh, temptations, and our selfish desires to deal with. And as a human,…
Renewing Our Minds
Romans 12:2 “And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect.” One of the biggest mistakes people make when they decide to start changing their life by following…
It’s Not Worth It…
The Cathedral Quartet used to sing a song entitled “Sin Will Take You Farther”. The chorus goes like this: Sin will take you farther than you wanna go Slowly but wholly taking control Sin will leave you longer than you wanna stay Sin will cost you far more than you wanna pay Every time I…
‘Tis So Sweet…
I stopped at an ATM the other day to get some money out. When it dispensed the amount of cash I asked for, a message came on the screen that said “PLEASE REMOVE ALL OF YOUR CASH”. I said, “Well, DUH! You think I’m only going to take part of it and leave some?” Then,…
“Loosely” Based On A True Story…
I saw a movie a while ago about a group of explorers that got trapped underground in a cavern and had to find another way out. When I first came across the movie, it said the movie was “based on a true story”, so I thought it would be interesting to watch. Well, in the…
Absolute Trust
In Matthew chapter 14, we find the story of the Apostle Peter and his encounter with true trust in God. Peter was in a boat with the other disciples out on the stormy sea. They saw Jesus walking on the water towards the boat. Peter called out saying; “Lord, if it is You, command me…
Go Tell It…
It was around 1865 that John Wesley Work, Jr. wrote the words to the African-American spiritual “Go Tell It on the Mountain”. One of the verses of the song goes like this: Down in a lowly manger Our humble Christ was born And God send us salvation, That blessed Christmas morn: Go, Tell It On…
What A Friend
Joseph Scriven was born in Dublin, Ireland in 1819. His family was rather prosperous, and he enjoyed a good life. He graduated from Trinity College, and was soon engaged to be married. However, his fiancee accidentally drowned the day before they were to be married. He decided he needed a complete change after that tragic…
All Things Work TOGETHER For Good!
Romans 8:28 says, “And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God…” This weekend, I was the keynote speaker at the CURE Childhood Cancer luncheon here in Atlanta. The luncheon event is an annual event hosted by Chris Glavine (wife of Tom Glavine – former Atlanta…
Warning Signs
Recently, three young tourists when visiting Yosemite National Park in California were swept over the Vernal Falls. One of the tourists, a young woman, was no doubt drawn by the alluring beauty of the raging waterfall and the fast moving River below. Tragically she slipped on a rock above the falls. Two friends reached out…
We CAN Trust Him!
About a year ago, a co-worker told me about a young lady who had just graduated from college, was just starting her first career, and had suddenly been diagnosed with a brain tumor. Here was a young lady just at the prime of her life, and all of the sudden – everything came to a…
He Is Faithful
In Yellowstone National Park there is a geyser that in 1870 was named “Old Faithful” because of the legend that dates back to that time that said the geyser erupted every hour on the hour. However, the actual times between eruptions can be anywhere from 35 to 120 minutes or more. Its eruptions last from…
Think On These Things
There is so much out there in the world today that captures our attention. Many times even stuff we really could care honestly less about, we find ourselves following and even becoming obsessed with….The politics of the day, how we’re going to get even with that person at work who made a wrong accusation about…
This Amazes Me…
This totally amazes me everytime I hear a story like this. The new iPhone 5 comes out today, and people have been lined up overnight outside some of the stores just waiting to be the FIRST to get one. Some of the photos they showed on the AJC website showed people waiting in line to…
Even Blisters Happen For A Reason
I don’t know a single person who likes to have pain or problems, but they both are part of our lives as long as we live in this world. However, when we are trusting Jesus Christ as our Savior, we don’t have to worry about the pain and problems. They aren’t fun, but they often…
More Precious Than Gold…
I once read a news story about a 69 year old man who was a recluse and just lived alone. His neighbors had complained of a stench coming from his house. When the police broke down the door, they found him dead – he had been dead for at least a month, but because he…
Trust Him!
Many times the simplest things in life are the hardest to do. We often times try to make the Christian life much more difficult than it really should be. There are those who try to philosophize everything, and those who try to find “hidden meaning” in the Bible. However, the words taken from the hymn…
A Lesson To Learn
Recently, off the coast of North Carolina, a six year old girl was bitten twice by a shark. Thankfully, the girl is fine and after a few weeks of healing – she’ll be back to her normal self. But, the lesson to be learned is in how she reacted. A few days after the attack,…
…But God…
Those are two of the most wonderful words in the Bible, “But God”. I was reading in Ephesians chapter 2. Ephesians 2:1-10: 1 And you were dead in your trespasses and sins, 2 in which you formerly walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air,…
A Caution!
Jesus in Luke 9:62 said: “But Jesus said to him, “No one, after putting his hand to the plow and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God.” A LOT of times people get all excited about knowing God, and so for a week or a month, they focus on God, and they give…
They Just Don’t Get It
Sometimes, in the news, I’ve several stories about people saying stuff like; “New Found Manuscript Shed’s Light On Jesus Life”. In one such news stories, the guy who had just published a book on the subject stated that Jesus Christ didn’t really die on the cross, He just went into a coma. Another news story…
Trust and Obey – It’s That Simple!
As some of you know I personally support on a monthly basis several people who are missionaries and/or in other ways are ministering to reach others with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. One girl I support is just in her early 20’s, and is working with another missionary family that is raising support to go…